Course curriculum

    1. Study Guide

    2. 01 Part I: Fiction Illustrating Doctrine

    3. 02 Meeting C. S. Lewis: Surprised by Joy

    4. 03 Made in the Image of God: Creation in The Pilgrim’s Regress

    5. 04 The Fall: Satan in The Screwtape Letters and Out of the Silent Planet

    6. 05 The Fall: Our Passions in Perelandra and The Screwtape Letters

    7. 06 Asceticism: Ordering Love and The Great Divorce

    8. 07 Deification: the Apocalypse in The Great Divorce

    9. 08 Part II: The Chronicles of Narnia - Doctrines Found Within Fiction

    10. 09 Welcome to Narnia: C. S. Lewis on Storytelling

    11. 10 The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe: On Atonement

    12. 11 Prince Caspian: "A Land for a Man to Be King Of"

    13. 12 The Voyage of the Dawn Treader: The Monk and the Christian

    14. 13 The Silver Chair: The Theory of Transposition

    15. 14 The Horse and His Boy: The Mysterium Tremendum

    16. 15 The Magician’s Nephew: Cosmology’s Beginning

    17. 16 The Last Battle: "Further Up and Further In"

    18. 17 What Was Lewis Trying to Do?: Mere Christianity

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  • Free
  • 18 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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